'All substance is one to him who holds the key of the cosmos' he said cryptically. An alloy created from the mysterious star metal ore. Jan 21, - In this Conan Exiles Video Guide I'm showing you the most efficient way to harvest Star Metal Ore Nodes. You can find it by stealing it from an enemy, harvesting it from a monster, or by using explosives to mine it out of a Star Metal Node a.k.a. To extract star metal you have to break the hard shell off the core but to do that you should unlock explosive jar in the talents. Star Metal spawns in the most North Westerly region on the map, just before you reach The Temple of Frost. I'm in the northwest corner of the map, by Eyelet Lake, cuz that's where I read to find Star Metal. Learn how to mine Star Metal in Conan Exiles: Isle of Siptah! This rare mineral is required for late-game equipment, but can be hard to find. It's one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Qnnit. Check out! Conan Exiles How to get Star Metal?. You czn actually see them fall from the sky but they are fast. You can go to the zone where they spawn and have a wander around once in a while.

I think that this is because they come in at an angle so a. conan exiles where to find star metal Archives - Crunch Time News I normally find the area around skyfall ridge to be the best location for meteorites. Star Metal Ore can be harvested from meteorites, which will fall in the.