Originally posted by Soldat665:Yes I'm talking about base game (and/or Kingdoms).

This is the code: recruit_pool "Latinkon" 1 0.34 2 0 requires factions

(keep in mind this only works for units from the barracks line in cities in the export_descr_buildings, you can move units from the castle lines in it to the city lines by placing them under the last recruitment_pool line say you want to train Latinkon's from your cities, you can just simply move them under the huge_stone_wall city last recruitment line or in the barracks last recruitment line (just make sure you do them for *all* the barracks so from the militia_drill_square city to royal_armoury city) as they won't carry over to the next line, oh also start a new a campaign or demolish existing buildings and rebuild them to recruit the units This is the code: attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw, free_upkeep_unit Go to the attribute line and type: free_upkeep_unit on it. This is the code:*free_upkeep bonus* 20 change the value you have on the line already to 20 to have a *free* *full* garrison in cities (keep in mind you can do this to *all* the walls)Ĥth go to export_descr_unit, you said you wanted the varangian guard to have free upkeep in cities, right? well go to the file that I just said (control and f again) to find the varangian guard, Similar question applies to any and all other factions for those who know.ġst download KGCM from Moddb (it includes almost *all factions* besides the (natives) from the americas dlc and *all* of their features.Ģnd if you go the descr_strat in (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\data\world\maps\campaign\imperial_campaign), there should be one (in KGCM) or you can make it under "pirate_spawn_value" called "free_upkeep_forts", use a space (inbetween forts and the value thats already there) to change the upkeep slots by 20 to have a *free* *full* garrison in a fort (I highly suggest you use KGCM, for an easier time to mod, in my opinion base game and kingdoms itself is hell to mod)ģrd then after that go to export_descr_buildings in data, (Control and f at the same time in the export_descr _buildings: type huge_stone_wall city)

Been playing Byzantines lately and I'm while I know the Spearmen Militia and Archer Militia get it in cities (I don't bother moving any to castles), does anyone know if this also applies to Byzantine Infantry? What about the Varangian Guard? Also, does this apply to units in forts (I usually just drop 1-3 units of mercenaries in my border forts and call it a day). Originally posted by Soldat665:So I know some (militia) units get free upkeep when in cities, but I don't know which units specifically or if it applies to cities only, or castles as well.