What is more important systems unfriendly to you are marked with RED text and you can easily see this on map. Unlike vanilla if Argons and Terrans go to war, systems can change hands. Unlike vanilla those factions actually pose threat Two factions that are expansive and with which you will have to wage war (those are aside from your standard factions you can make friends/foe with). There is simply too much to explain, missile defense, dock manager, overhauled wings AI and so on and so forth. Traders, stations generally everything is much more logical in actions and they are "tight" and as long as you know about system something you don't have this weird "well it doesn't work for some reason" almost every script in game has been touched by devs. You can also run game at 10x speed no problems unlike vanilla. X3 tends to shit bed after a while, LU devs made wonders and despite it being even "heavier" than vanilla, AI doesn't clog etc. Everything that keeps you away from playing actually game Station agents that will keep your stations fed, traders, explorers etc. shitload of QoL changes that keeps your from micromanaging hell. completely fixed AI, your ships will never collide with themselves so you can fly your "wings" as much as you want. So by the end of the game you will be flying some nice ship wing supported by your own fleet, fighting actual wars you only hear about in EVE. And Elite with things to do past "get the best ship". It is great foundation of for game but not great game.

Meaning that it is fucking boring, AI is fucked that constantly destroys your hard earned ships, economy without mods is fucking micromanaging hell and everything feels "loose". Problem with X3 vanilla is that it is shit. So basically it is space empire game where you start from 0 (or choose "better" start) and make your own empire. you can have fleet of traders that will run around in galaxy selling either your shit or just trading without you micromanaging it. you can create whole Fleet of AI controled units who will follow you and make your own wars you can build almost any station you usually buy your stuff from you can fly any ship you see (even destroyers) I will be playing LU for some time so i can also help people play it if they don't know something. So this is kind of let's play thread and both informative one. And after spending some hours with it, i think this is something that warrants new thread so few people could lose couple hundreds of hours with me. Well i have been playing Xtended overhaul mod for it which i praised a lot in past but there is newer one and much more robust and "better" overhaul called.